[ANSWER] You have worked as a bank teller for several months when one of the other teller

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You have worked as a bank teller for several months when one of the other tellers who has become a good friend tells you that her daughter is extremely ill and that she must have an operation to survive. She then says, “Wouldn’t it be intelligent to take money from a dormant account at the bank for the operation?” She goes as far as to explain it would be like a loan and she would pay it all back before anyone ever notices. Nothing more is ever discussed. Sometime later you ask her about her daughter and she tells you she is just fine and the operation was a huge success.The question now arises, did she take the money?What would you do in this situation? What should you do in this situation? In your opinion, what ethical principles should be considered in this situation?Some of the ethical theories you may reference when analyzing this scenario are:Utilitarianism (most pleasure for the most people)Egoism (one’s self)Care (relationships, empathy)Virtue (character)a least 1 paragph 

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