[ANSWER] Developing use cases to support the atm service- Software Engineering

Developing use cases to support the atm service- Software Engineering

As an intern software developer for a retail bank, you have been tasked with developing use cases to support the ATM service.

Prepare a 5-6 page paper in which you:

Describe (in a one to two (1-2) page narrative) a use case, complete with typical and alternate courses, that documents the event of a bank customer withdrawing money from an ATM.
Illustrate the use case using Visio or a similar product.
Describe (in a one to two (1-2) page narrative) a use case dependency for making an account deposit. Illustrate this use case with Visio or a similar product.
Describe (in a one to two (1-2) page narrative) a use case dependency for making an account transfer. Illustrate this use case with Visio or a similar product.
Identify and explain at least one (1) ethical issue that the use case exposes in connection with the development or use of the ATM system.
Research and cite at least three (3) authoritative academic sources.

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