(Solved): Write 12 page essay on the topic Suffolk County Council.The situation at …

Write 12 page essay on the topic Suffolk County Council.

The situation at SCC looks like a case of ‘Top Down’ decision, initiated by the CEO Andrea Hill. She along with some senior executives has taken the hard decision to cut back on the number of staff at SCC.

A Top-Down approach in an organization is one where one person (or more) at the top of the organizational hierarchy takes a decision and the juniors are expected to follow it. (Princeton, 2014) In comparison, a Bottom-Up approach in an organization refers to the involvement of people at the grass root level to form a consensus regarding a decision. (Princeton, 2014). On preliminary reading, it looks like the executives at SCC have made a mistake regarding the decision to cut back on staff by using a high handed approach in the matter and perhaps not fully investigated other alternatives which may be available to them. For example, if they had consulted with their staff, and presented the problem to them, and asked the staff to take a pay cut for a short period of time, maybe the issue of cutting back would not have arisen. SCC had over the years gone on a hiring spree, perhaps expecting a sharp increase in the demand for their services. However, this doesn’t seem to have happened, and now SCC is facing the dual problem of low demands and high personal cost. A revolutionary change is being tried by the new CEO Andrea Hill, in an effort to make SCC “leaner, smaller, cheaper, more creative, and more innovative.” The relieving of staff will almost certainly ensure that SCC operates in a cheaper more cost-effective way, but there is no guarantee that it will be more creative or innovative. Moreover, it is my personal opinion that creativity flourishes from stability.&nbsp.



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