(Solved): Write a 1 page essay on Discussion 8.As observed, it is usual that teen …

Write a 1 page essay on Discussion 8.

As observed, it is usual that teen fans now are enticed to wear black dresses, play dark contemporary music, and buy different memorabilia of vampire shows. A proof of this fad is the emergence of the so-called “vampire industry” which, according to E! entertainment, has generated $7 billion profit since 2008. (Gorgan, 2010).

For Smelser (2011), the existence of craze can be generally attributed to four areas in society, namely: economic, political, expressive, and religious spheres. In the case of the vampire craze, the phenomenon can be placed under the expressive sphere since this social phenomenon is used as an “expressive symbols” in today’s youth.

The role of media in this vampire craze if also an important area to look at. Immediately after the release of the Twilight saga, TV stations and film producers started making similar shows to capture audience’s attention and intensify hype among fans. Mass media is an important tool for entertainment to engage viewers so that they may eventually form collective appreciation of the latest fads. However, like any fashion or fad, the vampire hype among teenagers can be seen as temporary. Soon enough, it will fade but can also recur – like a



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