(Solved): You have three options: Manufacturing Service Non-Profit You will choose …

You have three options:




You will choose a company from any stock exchange, it may be domestic New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or foreign Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). All companies listed on these stock exchanges are publicly traded and the information you will need can be found on the company’s website. This will include but not limited to financial reports, annual reports, and investor reports. Information may be found through other sources so please use all tools available to you. When you have chosen which type of company you will do the following: 1. Provide the name of the company and at least a one (1) page history. 2. Identify the method of calculating cost for the company. 3. Determine if the cost method the company has chosen is most appropriate and explain three (3) reasons why the method is appropriate. 4. If you decide the cost method the company has chosen is not appropriate, write an recommendation as if you are sending it to the company for real and discuss three (3) reasons to support your recommendation 5. Incorporate the concepts from Modules 1-4 you have learned in class. You may use concepts that will learn about as well. However, you MUST use the concepts that have been presented thus far.



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