(Solved): Write query to provide totals of Earned Premium and Earned Exposures by …

Write query to provide totals of Earned Premium and Earned Exposures by company and S160 coverage code. Only include data for the year 2010 (1/1/2010 – 12/31/2010), company equal to GE or GG, and rated state equal to CA.

Here are the tables and fields:

Table 1a

Earned Premium = ERND_PRM_AM

Earned Exposures = ERND_EXPSR_DY_CN

S160 Coverage Code = S160_CVRG_CD

Policy Key = PLCY_KY

Table 2a

Rated State = RTD_ST_CD

Company = CMPNY_CD

Date = SNP_DT

Policy Key = PLCY_KY



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