(Solved): Write 4 page essay on the topic How the breakup of big labor is impactin …

Write 4 page essay on the topic How the breakup of big labor is impacting future labor relations.

However, due to the economic changes and globalization, that influenced the modern labor market, the big labor has almost disappeared from the modern business environment. The following paper will discuss the impact the breakup made on the labor relations and will also illustrate to what extent this breakup influenced the future labor relations.

The recent cease of the coalition of U. S. labor, which was created in 1955, has brought a renewed interest in the future of labor relations. Some experts consider such split as the other step in the slow decline of union membership, while others see its influence on the development of a new coalition that is an important step in the revitalization of unions in the United States (Meyerson, 2015). There is an essential consequence of the union split, however, it is not the single factor that can put an impact on the future of unions and labor relations as they are. On the global scale, union developments are perceived as the dynamics of a global economy with its competition in jobs and the new types of workers who decide to join unions. Despite the declining nature of unions across the decades, there were about one out of three Americans in 1950s who was involved in the big labor. On the contrary, today, this sum is eleven per cent of American workers are union members and six per cent constitute union member in the private sector. There are no unions among employees of such sectors of the economy as in high-tech, fashion and finance. Such tendency is understandable due to the new generation of people, young activists, who find unions as something left from their great-grandparents’ generation. Those under and over 30 do not notice big labor. However, everyone see the consequences of labor unions. Under the absent a U.S. union movement, the American middle class is shortened, the concentration of wealth increases, however, the corporate domination of government grows. Under the



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