[ANSWER] What are the practice concerns of using MI with this population?|Social Science – Sociology

What are the practice concerns of using MI with this population?|Social Science – Sociology

1. Discuss MI as an evidence based practice used in healthcare settings.

2. History of MI

3. What are the 5 principles of MI and how are applied to homeless substance abusers

4. Discuss how MI is an effective therapy used to change the behavior of people with comorbidities of substance abuse and mental illness.

5. How does it facilitate change in the decision making process for homeless substance abusers to responsible tenants?

6. Discuss how MI helps the abuser assess and identify what their strengths and weaknesses are to achieve the goal of creating change in their lives

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of MI

8. What are the practice concerns of using MI with this population?

9. How does MI assist substance abusers from becoming homeless

Paper must be Times New Roman, double space, 1 inch margins, 5 pages not including reference page. The paper reference in the text, citations, and references must be formatted in APA style. Must contain reputable references, scholarly related to Motivational Interviewing and homeless substance abusers 6 references

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