[ANSWER] “Researching Financial Information”

Question description

“Researching Financial Information” Please respond to the following:Go to the Securities and Exchange Commission Website, located athttp://searchwww.sec.gov/EDGARFSClient/jsp/EDGAR_MainAccess.jsp?search_text=*&sort=Date&formType=Form10K&isAdv=true&stemming=true&numResults=100&numResults=100. Analyze the section showing typical stock information and financial positions of companies. Next, analyze one company’s financial position and determine whether or not the stock potential will rise, remain stable, or decrease in value. Determine whether you would invest in it or not at this time. Provide a rationale for your response. Assess how profitable the company has been over the past five (5) years and determine how you would advise the company about its future profitability potential.

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