[ANSWER] Lesson 13: Journal Assignment

Question description

For this journal response you will provide a personal reaction to two poems from the lesson. You will choose one of Whitman’s poems and one of Dickinson’s poems. Provide a two paragraph response in which do the following:Identify one poem from each author and simply explain why those two poems stand out for you based on personal taste.Discuss the topics and themes of the two poems and explain how those topics would have been treated by poets (European or American) that preceded the new American poetic style shown by Dickinson.Scoring:Identifies one poem from each author and provides personal reaction to them Discusses how poets preceding Whitman and Dickinson would treat the same topics and themes presented within the poems chosen for discussion ReadingsWalt Whitman: Biography in Context”A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim”: from Drum-Taps”Song of Myself””Beat! Beat! Drums!”Select any three poems found at the Whitman site on Bartleby.com.Emily Dickinson: Biography in Context”Some keep the Sabbath going to Church””The Soul selects her own Society””Tell all the truth but tell it slant””I heard a Fly buzz – when I died””The World is Not Conclusion”

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