[ANSWER] Compare/Contrast

Question description

The homework for
this week requires that you submit one substantial MLA formatted paragraph that
either compares or contrasts the two articles below.
Step 1:
Critically read the following articles: 

“Guitar Zero: can science turn a psychologist into Jimi
*Remember, the point
of using one or two of the critical reading strategies is to make sure you
understand the articles.  You do not need to submit proof of this step.  Just
make sure you understand the articles so you can write about them.
Step 2:
Using the information presented in this week’s module:Decide whether your are going to compare (find
similarities) or contrast (find differences) between the two
Choose to
use either the
point-by-point or the block method,(concepts that were discussed
in the module for this week)
Write one substantial MLA formatted paragraph that either
compares or contrasts the two articles. 
*Remember you are
being asked to compare or contrast the two articles, finding either their
similarities or differences.

~~~For this or similar assignment papers~~~



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