[ANSWER] Accountin and fin analysis

Question description

The article “Comparing the Accuracy and Explainability of Dividend, Free Cash Flow, and Abnormal Earnings Equity Value Estimates”
in the module resources will aid in your understanding of forecasting
models to find the best way possible to determine cash flow, equity
value, pricing, interest rate determination, and dividend allocation.
This understanding will be necessary when completing Section VI of the
final project. Once you have read the article, answer the questions found in the Module Six Forecasting Models Research Questions document, also located in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics folder.Find this article by yourself and answer questions in the question sheet. Follow the grading rubric.

12 hours ago


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afterwards as well for accuracy. https://www.essaybishop.com/write-my-essay/jstor.org.ezproxy.snhu.edu/stable/2672922?seq=2#page_scan_tab_contentsThe questions that follow and the article Comparing the Accuracy and Explainability of Dividend, Free Cash Flow, and Abnormal Earnings Equity Value Estimates will
inform your completion of milestone III. An understanding of the models
in this assignment will assist you in hypothesizing the incremental
impact of a new investment project for the company. The understanding of
these models will contribute to your ability to look toward the future
when considering the direction of an organization.
Once you have read the article “Comparing the Accuracy and
Explainability of Dividend, Free Cash Flow, and Abnormal Earnings Equity
Value Estimates” and Chapters 6 and 7 of your text, review and complete
the questions below. Use the article and your text to inform your
responses to the questions below.
Assignment Questions:
1. For models 2, 2a, and 2b:
·  What is the best way to minimize the weighted average cost of capital?
·  What is the effect of the weighted average cost of capital on the market value?
2. For models 3, 3a, and 3b:
·  What is the relationship between book value of equity and time t-1 and the market value of the equity?
3. Discuss model 4 and expand on the importance and the meaning of the market risk premium.
4. In your own words, what are the main conclusions for this article, and what could be improved upon in its analysis?

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