[ANSWER] a multidisciplinary team proposing the design of a state of the art child care c

Question description

 Great slides on the assignment for Physical therapist however that is not the one Im suppose to do .t  chose to do Cognitive Psychology not physical therapist. Here is the assignment I have to do introduction , Cognitive Psychology, and the conclusion on Cognitive Psychology. Thanks
Hello gang,

You are Team E. Here are your group members – Glocha, Megan, Byron, Venture,
Lettita, Rachel W.

Here are your assignment instructions:
Imagine that your group is a multidisciplinary
team proposing the design of a state of the art child care center for children
between the ages of 0-2. The following roles are available for the group
assignment, and each team member must choose a specific role.
After each of you has selected your role, you
will be designing a state-of-the-art child care center that meets the
speech/language, physical, psychological, and cognitive needs of a
0-2-year-old. Once your child care center has been designed, create a
PowerPoint presentation describing the center and how it will address the
cognitive, physical, and social needs of infants.
Your group should use the group area allocated
in the course to discuss, collaborate, and work together on the assignment.
Please refrain from using e-mail, phone, text, etc. when communicating with
each other; only use the group area within the course.
Each team member must select one of the
following roles for the group, and then create 3-4 slides for their specific
role. Be sure each member’s name is listed on their first slide of the
(let the audience know the purpose of the presentation and rationale for why
this child care center should open) [3-4 slides].
therapist specializing in the language development of children between the ages
of 0–2 [3-4 slides].
therapist specializing in the physical needs of children between the ages of
0–2 [3-4 slides].
psychologist specializing in the psychological/emotional needs of children
between the ages of 0–2 [3-4 slides].
psychologist specializing in the cognitive needs of children between the ages
of 0–2 [3-4 slides].
psychologist specializing in the attachment and familial needs of children
between the ages of 0–2 [3-4 slides].
Conclusion(wraps up and summarizes
the presentation and provides a list of references) [3-4 slides].
Make sure that you save a copy of your
submitted The RUBIC Unit 4 AssignmentAreas shaded in gray
connect to a CLA/GEL/PC.

Grading Criteria



Group Grade

Engaged in the team with
professional integrity and respect, as evidenced by each member contributing
to the team discussion in the Team Area of the course.
(Content of the posts will not be
used in how points are assigned, but simply that each team member has
contributed to the discussion.)


Team used the “Planning Checklist”
to document how the assignment would be completed and who would be
responsible for each role of the multidisciplinary team


Individual Grade


Clearly selects appropriate
components for the child care center respective to chosen role of the
multidisciplinary team


Provides rationale for  how
chosen aspect of center was designed drawing upon developmental theories


Clearly identifies how components
of center will support infant development



References are included where
necessary in the body of the presentation.
The presentation is laid out with
effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
The presentation concludes with a
reference slide using APA formatting.


Presentation uses
Standard American English including correct grammar, spelling, and
punctuation, and complete sentences and paragraphs.
Presentation is free
of typographical errors.
Presentation includes
a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.
demonstrates superior organization; communication is highly ordered, logical
and unified.


~~~For this or similar assignment papers~~~



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