[ANSWER] 500words response

Question description

Answer ONE of the following questions by typing your response in the space provided with a detailed explanation; Provide only leisure-based examples. Points will be deducted for not directly quoting the textbook, Russell’s (2013) Pastimes, or not adhering to a detailed structure (minimum 500 word response, course topic relationship).Question #1Leisure is a powerful cultural “tool” in terms of:a) characterizing culture,b) developing culture, andc) changing culture.Select one of these tools. Then, describe it and give and example from your own experience to illustrate how leisure is culturally powerful, impacts sustainability, and determines quality of life. Make sure you utilize terminology from the Anthropology section of this course.Question #2In terms of its geographical significance, what might be the future of leisure? Discuss at least two concerns in terms of both the challenges and the solutions based on environmental justice, the waste hierarchy (alternative solutions from the least-favored to most-favored options), or the helix of sustainability (economic demands, social equity, & environmental impacts).Question #3What is social capital? In terms of the main points in the technology, has technology placed our society’s social capital in jeopardy? How or how not? What are the positive or negative implications of social capital on social equity and public health?Question #4From the research of Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi, summarize the nature of the television viewing experience for adults. Also, how well do you think their findings describe your own television viewing experience? Why? What are the implications of their study on our understanding of sedentary lifestyles and physical activity?Question #5What is Postman’s thesis in the book Amusing Ourselves To Death? Does the criticism of Disney theme parks presented in the chapter also point to the destructiveness of amusement? How or how not? What are the implications of the destructiveness of amusement on the environment?Question #6Anomie is one of the deviant leisure explanations for why people engage in socially unacceptable pastimes. First, describe anomie, differentiate it from the other two explanations (differential association & retreatism), and then explain how the concept of leisure boredom might apply to it. Finally, give an example of anomie and leisure boredom from your own experiences and how it might reflect unhealthy life choices (whether a self-critique or an observational critique).Question #7Based on sensate and ideational mentalities distinguish taboo/deviant leisure, “good”, and prole leisure, and then explain how Toynbee’s argument of the “thug code” ignores issues tied to social equity?

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