[ANSWER] Discuss the approaches to motivation at blue sky – HR Management

Discuss the approaches to motivation at blue sky – HR Management

Baker has been assigned to research the literature for a possible solution to a major operational problem at his employer. Baker spends many weeks searching the literature and finds a common solution theme for similar problems at various companies in various industries. Baker is some what dubious that the commonly reported solution would actually work at his employer. He has been thinking, and has a thought about a different solution that has never been tried before. He must report to the Board of Directors in three days. They are a no-nonsense Board and they expect results. The operational problem must be solved. What should Baker do?

Assume you are a consultant reporting to Willis, who charged you to examine the management issues facing Blue Sky Software. Based on your total classwork in the Management and Leadership program write a critical analysis. Focus on what you find to be the critical elements facing the company. Be sure to identify and analyze the management issues facing the Blue Sky Company, and in your essay include relevant conceptual ideas.

Some questions to consider are:

. Blue Sky has undergone a leadership change. Be sure to address the differences in leadership style and approach today and in the recent past at Blue Sky.

. For every organization motivation is a critical element. Be sure to discuss and evaluate the approaches to motivation at Blue Sky now and in the past.

. Has strategic planning and decision-making changed at Blue Sky? If so, is this a positive change?

. The structure of an organization and its control systems are design elements. Identify potential design and/or control problems at Blue Sky and discuss applicable principles and theories of management that address these problems.

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