[ANSWER] Reflective Self in Community:Proposal

  1. Community Involvement Proposal 

This assignment is intended to clarify and gain approval for a service experience to use for this class.

 You are seeking to identify a service experience that:

  1. Has an identifiable and meaningful community benefit;
  2. Is not-for-profit in nature;
  3. Immerses you in a community of people different from you for at least 25 hours; and
  4. Addresses community needs and benefit the community in at least one of the following three ways:
  5.             directly through consistent interactions with a particular segment of the population (e.g. youth, elderly, people that are homeless);
  6.             indirectly through sustained efforts that enhance the capacity of the larger community through a particular project (e.g. starting a community garden, painting and cleaning an important community gathering place, developing marketing materials for a community agency); or

                              iii.            by advocating to eliminate a cause of a particular community problem (e.g. educating community members on the causes and effects of diabetes; collecting and reporting data to the school board on youth alcohol use)

If you need help figuring out what type of work or organization you can participate in this semester, you can use the Community Involvement Worksheet to help get your ideas going (in theModule 1 folder in Bb). You do not need to ‘hand-in’ the worksheet. Instead, use it to determine where you will seek your service hours and to develop your proposal. In your proposal you will need to address the four items above (a. community benefit; b. not-for-profit; c. immersion; and d. how it addressed community needs) in a brief description (1-2 paragraphs) and submit on Blackboard in the Module 1 folder.

As you complete your community involvement experience throughout the semester, you will need to maintain a log of your service hours to submit at the end of the semester. The log must be signed by a member of the community and/or agency in which you are involved. This log is attached at the end of the syllabus and is also listed in the Module 1 folder in Blackboard. See the Revisiting Your Community Involvement assignment for full details on submitting this log.

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