[ANSWER] Development prior to the reign of constantine

Development prior to the reign of constantine

(1) What were the key policies that Augustus pursued in the areas of politics, the army, religion, and the arts that enabled him to create the appearance of stability in the Roman Empire?

(2) What were the principal reforms that Diocletian and Constantine implemented in an effort to maintain the Roman Empire? Be sure to discuss at least two reforms for each emperor.

(3) Who were the primary groups of barbarian invaders that gradually undermined the stability of the Roman Empire and what were the key moments in the Empire’s transformation? Be sure to discuss at least two types of barbarian.

(4) What were some of the principal challenges that the Christian movement faced in its development prior to the reign of Constantine?

(5) To what extent did the medieval church and medieval western European monarchs cooperate with each other? Be sure to refer to, among other things, the Crusades and the Investiture Controversy.

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