Write your  S I P H  analysis of the ‘selected’  Artworks –  use # 10 & # 12 Near East Art for the comparison 

The information should come from your  study-  Looking close at the details….   of the artwork – of  course you can GOOGle for more info – but I  want you to personalize your analysis…..but write the S I P H ‘facts’  first.  Maybe there’s a You Tube video on Hammurabi’s Code- or a TED Talk on Treasures of Ancient Art.    

Remember to PRINT up the Art Fundamentals & Vocabulary Lists for a quick reference  .USE THESE TERMS IN THE COMPARISONS.   First Impressions are a valuable resource of new ideas but you have to explain /articulate your ideas about the Artwork  and  the  S I P H helps to organize your thoughts.   (  should be about 60+ words – not too short)

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