[ANSWER] Developing Aggregate Capacity Requirements

Question description

You are the chief executive officer (CEO) of a fortune 500 company. As the CEO, you are responsible for establishing benchmarks or performance goals for your organization. As an outstanding CEO, you decide to seek feedback from your top senior managers as to which method to use to establish the upcoming year’s goals. Steve who is your financial executive officer (CFO) suggested that the upcoming year’s goals should be established on the basis of recent results and trends. Michael who is your chief controlling officer (CCO) suggested that the best method to establish the upcoming year’s goal is on the basis of this year’s goal. And lastly, Janet who is your chief operations officer (COO) suggested that the best method for establishing the upcoming year’s goals should be made on the basis of the competition. You thanked your executive team and informed them that you would take their suggestions into consideration when establishing the upcoming year’s goals.Now, it is your responsibility to decide which method to use to establish the performance goals for your organization. Write a research paper of 5–7 using APA style outlining your thought process when deciding which benchmarking or performance goal method to use when establishing your organization’s upcoming year’s goals.Please submit your assignment.Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria provided here.

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